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CC | Number | Category | User | Added | Region | Vis. | Description |
44 | 2087599036 | Test (Other) | Kovirii | 4/28/2022 11:15 AM | United Kingdom | Public | BT (Openreach) Linetest Facilities |
Full Description
BT (Openreach) Linetest Facilities Initially gives ANAC 11 digit 1 Ringback 2 Quiet line 3 Soft test (1 PSTN copper line test (pin), 3 for test results, 4 cable pair identification, 6 LLU, 7 remote unit emulation, 8 GEA service test and dynamic line management (1FTDC, 2 FTP, 3 FEA, 4 Dynamic line reset and engineer profile, 5, 6 SOGA service, 7 G fast isolation relay, 8 SOG copper line test, 9 to record baseline)) 4 Fast cleanse ? or cleardown 5 asks for # or pin
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